Tag Archives: start-up

Why I started my own business (and great reasons why you should too)

This post is inspired by a post on The Enterpreneur.com blog. You can read that here: http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/234916 After reading the article above, I thought it might be fun to tell my story of why I’m in business for myself. I’ve outlined a few of the points listed, and given you my take on them: 1. Spare

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6 mistakes that every new business can easily avoid.

6 mistakes that every new business can easily avoid

 Insufficient Funds Very rarely does any business just ‘start’ trading. Quite often it can be weeks or even months before the cash starts rolling in. Beware as well of costs that you probably haven’t even considered. If you’re shipping goods, how much tape will you be using? Will you have to order an additional telephone

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